F.O.P. & FOPA Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded annually by our lodges. The recipient must be a child or grandchild of a member of our F.O.P. or F.O.P.A. lodge who is in good standing.
The scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholastic merit, economic need and goals in life. The recipient must pledge that it will be their intention to complete the training and/or school for which the assistance is awarded. The recipients of the scholarships and the total amount of assistance will be decided by the Education Assistance Committee which is comprised of members of our F.O.P. and F.O.P.A. lodges.
The application form and listed instructions and requirements are on the “Downloads” section of this web site which is accessible to members of the lodge by going to the “Members” section. Applications are accepted only at certain times. Members of the lodges are informed of these times through discussions at our meetings and are also published in the lodge’s monthly newsletters.